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The Saudi Arabian Section of ISA (ISA-SAS) in collaboration with Baker Hughes invites you to join us at the upcoming live, in-person seminar


Air-operated control valves are critical components for most control loops as final control elements, when properly sized and selected, control valves offer the best method to restrict the flow to keep process in check. Although there are many types of valve designs, most valves will change its behaviour over the time due to several reasons including process conditions. Depending on the amount and speed of change, the control valve may upset the process gradually or suddenly, being stuck or in fail-safe position (open or closed) the worse scenario… from the production perspective naturall!, but from the safety perspective, the valve just did its job. That is why digital integration of valves in the control systems and asset management make not only sense, but a must! Unfortunately, valves are the last or at least one of the last assets to be in some degree integrated by means of digital communications.

Presented by

Mr. Ricardo Castaneda

  • 25 years’ experience in industrial instrumentation and automation systems
  • Computer science bachelor’s degree
  • Subject matter expert on digital instruments integration into control systems and asset management programs.

 Areas of expertise

  • Control valve diagnosis using digital tools
  • Pressure, temperature, flow, level sensors and transmitters
  • Control valve positioners including SIS applications
  • Digital communication protocols; FF, HART and Wireless-HART
  • Asset management programs; eDDL, DD, DTM and FDT
  • Safety instrumented systems (SIS/ESD) EXIDA
  • Calibration, configuration and commissioning of field instrumentation and control valves